Rose Hill Conclave No.298
Double Ceremony for the Appendant Orders at Rose Hill Conclave
On my first Representation of the Intendant General, Rt Ill Kt Michael Robert Walker, as Divisional Eusebius I witness the Appendant Orders conferred on two Worthy Knight, W Kt's Graham Greenall and Peter Benson.
P Kt Ian Clark MPS congratulates W Kts Peter Benson and Graham Greenall ,
with Div Eusebius
The First Pont conducted in an excellent by the Most Puissant Sovereign, P Kt Ian Clark ably assisted by the Viceroy E Kt Patrick J Walsh. P Kt John Murphy, Div Swd B, conducted the Second Point, with John's quiet unruffled manner.
Ill Kt Neil Cooper, P G W of Reg, Divisional Recorder, conducted the Third Point bringing  to a conclusion a well worked ceremony which throughout was conducted with feeling and a dignity that could only make an impression on both of the Candidates.
W Kt Peter Benson, P Kt John P Murphy, W Kt Graham Greenall
The minor parts were carried out in the same manner by the other Members of the Conclave which left the Marshal, V Ill Kt Alan Slater, P G H Chan, little to do.
Of course mention of the Divisional Sepulchre must be made, as they under the Captaincy of Ill Kt Robert Cliffe, P G V Chamb, no KHS ceremony would be complete without the 6 members of the Guard that attend and add that special something to our ceremonial.

The 12 members of the Conclave were joined by the 14 visitors to a Social Board around which was a very friendly and convivial atmosphere.

P Kt Edwin Schofield, W Kt Peter Benson, and W Kt Graham Greenall
congratulated by Ill Kt Neil Cooper.
I certain was made most welcome and felt amongst friends from arriving at Bryn Masonic Hall to my leaving.
I really did enjoy my "first outing" as Divisional Eusebius.

Edwin Schofield, Divisional Eusebius

Article and Photographs Courtesy of Edwin Schofield, Divisional Eusebius